Please Wait a Moment


Muti Family


Application Information
When applications are being accepted for the Multifamily program:

You may complete an online application by clicking below when applications are being accepted. Only online applications will be accepted unless a reasonable accommodation is required. Please verify that your application has been received.

Your application must be filled out in entirety. If it is not completed, it will not be accepted. If a question does not apply to your family, please put n/a.

If any assistance is needed with completion of this application please contact the office at the above address or phone number.

When your application is submitted, a pre-screening of a criminal record history,credit report and potential landlord history will be completed as well as a check within the U.S.. Department of Housing and Urban Development Enterprise Income Verification system. If you are found ineligible at this time due to the criminal background, owing another housing authority, or the failure to disclose information of any kind a letter (OR EMAIL PREFERRED) will be mailed to you stating your ineligibility. If this information agrees with what you have stated then a letter (OR EMAIL PREFERRED) will be mailed to you for an interview appointment. There will also be a phone call follow up if the preliminary information is acceptable. If you do not receive an email or phone call within a month, please call the office to find out the status. DUE TO CORONA VIRUS THERE IS LIMITED ACCESS TO OUR OFFICE.

If you would like to complete an Online Application please CLICK HERE

Multifamily Housing residents inquiries contact Danielle Faile:

Multifamily Housing residents should report all income or household changes within 14 days to Danielle Faile:

Current Multifamily Housing Applicants inquiries in regard to your application contact Danielle Faile:

The Housing Authority of Fort Mill does not provide current positions on the waiting list, since this may change with the application process. Should you wish to know how long the wait may be or status of your application once found eligible please contact Danielle Faile: